You deserve to feel confident, energized and happy in perimenopause and beyond!

Say hello to better sleep, better moods + better fat burning by optimizing your hormones. 

The Happy Hormone Method is the first
and last program you'll ever need for...

  • Learning exactly what to do to optimize your hormones after 35+
  • Mastering your metabolism for amazing energy
  • ​Becoming a fat burning machine for effortless weightloss
  • Regulating your nervous system for less stress + more balance in life
  • ​Understanding how to eat to get rid of annoying symptoms while supporting strong, healthy and proactive aging
  • ​Embracing deep, nourishing sleep habits
  • ​and more!

Overwhelmed? Tired? Super busy? 

We see you. You're managing SO much already. 
That's why we've created a simple, one-stop-shop for helping you prioritize your health... because you are worth it. 

Clients are feeling results within the first 5 days of implementing our SIMPLE, proven system. 

About The Happy Hormone Method

The program is an elite collaboration of everything you need to balance your hormones, transform your lifestyle, regulate your nervous system, shed stubborn weight and other frustrating symptoms... so you can thrive, feel confident, and enjoy life as you transition through perimenopause and beyond.

It's created collaboratively by top experts in the wellness space to bring you the best of the best. 

Meet the collaborative team behind HHM

Who is HHM For?

If you're over 35 and experiencing....

  • Changes in your monthly cycle in terms of frequency, length, flow and symptoms (PMS + PMDD)
  • Hot flashes or night sweats
  • Sleep disruptions or insomnia
  • ​Stubborn weight gain + metabolic slow down
  • ​Anxiety, mood changes or brain fog
  • ​Loss of libido or vaginal dryness
  • ​Thinning hair or skin changes

...then you're in the right place! 🫶

Why Our System Works

  • It's specifically made for women in perimenopause and beyond
In your mid-late 30's, your body starts changing. Old practices stop working like they used to and the way we approach our health often needs to be changed and optimized to support vibrant health. Our program is designed for the unique and specific needs of women as they get older. 
  • We are experts in stress management, hormones + nervous system regulation
Our founders have overcome stage 3 burnout (adrenal fatigue) and supported thousands over the past decade in nervous system regulation and stress management. We have merged all things adrenal loving into the program to support the stress side of hormonal balance but also in creating a program that is easy to work through and straightforward to implement.
  • ​You'll create REAL and LASTING results
We aren't here to give you strict plans and rules that overhaul your entire life and get you quick results that quickly dissipate as soon as you get overwhelmed and stop following it. We are here to educate and empower you with tools, strategies and buildable habits that can become life long allies for you. You'll create solid foundations that will aid in everything- results and symptom relief NOW and sustainable, ongoing benefits and momentum down the road. 

What's Included?

this is what you get when you join...

  • immediate access to 8 educational modules
  • ​4 months of guided exercise plans (over 24 workouts to choose from) 
  • lifetime, self-paced access to the materials
  • access to our private Inner Circle for community + connection
  • ​options for advanced hormone testing + personalized plans & protocols (including Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) if desired
  • ​options for extra support with accountability and integration if you need it

A Peek Inside the Program Modules

HHM Modules 5-8

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm already IN menopause, would this still help me?
If you're already in menopause you can still benefit greatly from the program. We will show you how to optimize your lifestyle foundations to support symptom relief both now and vibrant, proactive aging down the road. We have extra support available if HRT or bio-identical HRT is of interest to you as well. Women in menopause get incredible results in the program! 
I'm not sure I'm in perimenopause yet, can I still benefit?
Not fully feeling the perimenopause symptoms yet but struggling with overwhelm, fatigue, balancing it all and not knowing where to begin?  Women just like you have found their way into the program and found great success and relief! We understand the struggles of wearing so many hats and how hard it can be prioritizing your own well-being over your families. Our background in adrenal support and nervous system regulation touches every aspect of this program and you can find benefit and relief through every module whether you are pre or post perimenopausal. 
My health situation is unique and quite complex. Can this still help me?
Absolutely. Our approach is designed to accommodate the unique needs and complexities of each individual. We understand that many women face multiple health challenges that can impact hormonal balance. Our integrative approach takes into account the interconnectedness of various health factors and aims to address them comprehensively. We do recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before starting our program, especially if you plan to take the supplements recommended in the program and/or have pre-existing medical conditions or are taking medication. Our team, including our functional medicine doctor (if you choose to upgrade) is willing to work collaboratively with your healthcare provider to ensure our recommended protocols align with your individual health needs and goals. 
How big of a role does HRT (hormone replacement therapy) play in the program?
It's just one piece of the puzzle and it's up to you if you'd like to explore this as an option or not.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is just one solution and when deciding to start hormone replacement therapy, there’s a lot to consider as there are pros and cons. We believe in very thorough hormone testing beyond basic blood tests before making these important decisions. And HRT is not always necessary and it's also not right for everyone. In addition to traditional HRT (synthetic) there is bioidentical-HRT as well which you will learn more about in the program. With all that said, many can get relief from their symptoms with just diet, exercise, supplementation and other lifestyle tweaks. 
What does "integrative approach" actually mean?
Unlike traditional methods that may solely rely on medication or hormonal therapies to mask symptoms, an integrative approach takes a comprehensive view of hormonal health and addresses the root. It considers lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, nervous system alongside medical interventions to promote balance and well-being. We encourage women to make informed decisions about their health based on their unique needs, hormone clarity and their personal preferences.
How much work do I actually have to do?
When it comes to your success in the program, the more you put in, the more you get out. We are here to guide you through everything and support you with integration but you need to show up and commit to doing the work. We are very mindful about your lifestyle, energy and capacity so provide lots of options and guidance around integration and implementation of what we recommend to make it feel manageable and sustainable for you. We are here to show you how to create, new, life-long habits rather than force you to finish content and complete homework with in a set amount of time. You are the creator of the results and transformation in the end and we are here to help you create it for yourself. 
How long does it take to complete the program?
You get lifetime access to the modules within the program so you can take your time working through the material at your own pace. If you choose to join us in a group-led module or add on hormone testing and support, then you will receive extended support in 4 month intervals. Additional support months can be added after your first initial 4 are complete if you so desire. 
Can I do the course and still be successful as a vegan or vegetarian?
The program is not specifically designed to cater to vegans or vegetarians. We will admit that vegans and strict vegetarians (who don't eat eggs or dairy) can find it more challenging to hit their protein targets.  That said, we have provided a specific section for vegetarians and vegans with supportive tips and dietary guidelines to help you optimize a plant-based diet as best you can. So YES, you're welcome in the program and will get support in regards to diet and everything else... but be forewarned that it is a bit more challenging. 
Do I need to purchase supplements? 
You don't NEED to purchase supplements as the program foundations are powerful and can ignite supportive shifts in any situation, however supplements can help take things to the next level and help with symptom relief drastically. If you decide to do advanced hormone testing and receive a tailored plan, supplements will of course play a bigger and more impactful role. We have laid out what supplements we recommend, in what dose and how to access them if you choose to. 
How can I get more support and testing if needed?  
The Happy Hormone Method is designed to meet you where you're at and provide you everything you could need in regards to getting the clarity and strategy you need. We have an integrative and functional team of practitioners available to support with testing, customized protocols, re-testing or more advanced testing, accountability and more.  To discuss additional support, we recommend scheduling a complimentary clarity call with our team. 
What is the refund policy?  
Refund requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed.

Hear results from women just like you! 

They have reclaimed their confidence, self-esteem + mood. 

Join them in feeling empowered and high vibe in perimenopause and beyond! 

What's Included?

this is what you get when you join...

  • immediate access to 8 educational modules
  • ​4 months of guided exercise plans (over 24 workouts to choose from) 
  • lifetime, self-paced access to the materials
  • access to our private Inner Circle for community + connection
  • ​options for advanced hormone testing + personalized plans & protocols (including Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) if desired
  • ​options for extra support with accountability and integration if you need it
Price is in USD
  • Lifetime Access to the Online System
  • Access to the Inner Circle Community
Price is in USD
  • Lifetime Access to the Online System
  • Access to the Inner Circle Community
  • 16 Weekly Group Calls
Price is in USD
  • Lifetime Access to the Online System
  • Access to the Inner Circle Community
  • 16 Weekly Group Calls
  • Advanced Hormone Testing
  • Customized Protocol
  •  8 Extra Group Calls

 BY THE happy hormone club

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